The Problem

Dafny provides a rich collection of features for proving properties about code. However, sometimes it may seem that common and important properties are difficult to prove, particularly when those properties involve the combined behavior of a sequence of methods calls. For example, consider the follow very simple description of an account.

class Account {
    var balance: int

    method Deposit(amount: int)
      modifies this
        balance := balance + amount;

This class has a balance (which can potentially be negative), and a method for making deposits to adjust that balance (which can also cover withdrawals, by using a negative amount). Given this code, it’s natural to want to prove that, for example, depositing x followed by depositing -x results in a balance equal to the starting balance. However, you’ll find that this is impossible to prove, with the code as written.

To make it possible to prove that property, it may be tempting to add an ensures clause that balance == old(balance) + amount. With that in place, you can write the following code, which verifies.

method TwoOppositeDepositsCancelOut(account: Account, amount: int)
  modifies account
    assert account.balance == old(account.balance);

However, this is a method rather than a lemma (because lemmas aren’t allowed to call methods), and even if it were a lemma, it would be impossible to state the desired fact as a postcondition so that it could be used to prove a higher-level property of a larger system. For example, you might want to use the fact proven above to show that a large sequence of equal positive and negative deposits would leave the account balance unchanged. Even though that property is clearly a repeated application of the property proved in the method above, there’s no way to reuse that proof.

You might argue that you don’t need to prove this in a lemma, because you can re-prove the equivalent property wherever the Deposit method is used in practice. However, for a more complex method, the ensures clauses needed to make it possible to prove anything you might want about a sequence of method calls would quickly get out of hand.

One approach to solving this problem is to maintain a clear separation between the specification and implementation of your program, prove properties of the specification, and prove only equivalence (or refinement) between the specification and the implementation.

Specifications and implementations

To get started, let’s go over the tools Dafny provides. The two most common computational descriptions in Dafny are terminating, deterministic functions and imperative, stateful methods.

By writing a function, you can describe a mathematical object that maps each input deterministically to a single output. Functions are typically concise, and they tend to be the most straightforward to reason about, so they’re ideal for specifying what a program should do in the abstract. The bodies of functions are made directly available to the verifier by default, unless a function is declared with the opaque keyword. Functions can also be compiled to executable programs when the are computable, though sometimes inefficient programs.

By writing a method, you can describe an imperative computation that performs a sequence of steps to yield an output state or a set of output states from each initial program state. Methods more closely match the operations performed by actual computing hardware, and are capable of describing non-deterministic or non-terminating computations. They are also generally meant to be compiled to executable programs. This makes them ideal for describing how a computation should be performed during actual execution. However, reasoning about methods is somewhat different than reasoning about functions. You can prove that a method agrees with a single contract, written as requires, ensures, modifies, and decreases clauses, but you generally do not expand the body of a method as part of performing a separate proof.^[It is sometimes possible to expand the body of a method during proof. A future blog post will describe the process.]

The differences between functions and methods come into play particularly starkly when developing programs that have either or both of the following attributes:

  • The most natural specification of an API involves describing the relationship between the available operations, rather than individual descriptions of each operation in isolation.

  • There’s more than one way to implement a particular bit of functionality and, due to the tradeoffs between the available approaches, you don’t want to choose just one. Perhaps you’ll use one in some circumstances and another in other circumstances.

In this situation, it is particularly valuable to clearly distinguish between the specification and implementation of a program, and to restrict proofs about the implementation to those that guarantee agreement with the specification, performing all other reasoning on the specification. The rest of this post will explore a simple library that has both of the attributes listed above: a specification and implementation of the well-known stack data type.

The (arguably) most concise and natural specification of a stack comes from a description of a relationship between the push and pop operations. Namely, if you push an item onto a stack, and then pop an item off of the resulting stack, you should get back the item you originally pushed. Similarly, the value of the stack itself after these two operations should be unchanged: when you add something to the top and immediately remove it, the rest of the stack stays the same.

On the implementation side, there are multiple ways to build a stack. Common implementation techniques include custom linked lists, consecutive arrays (reallocated when full), and the re-use of built-in data types with appropriate properties, such as sequences or vectors. Perhaps you wouldn’t use more than one of these in a given application, but we can still look at how to straightforwardly show that multiple implementations, using different techniques, all fit the same notion of what it means to be a stack.

Specifying a stack

To start with, let’s specify what it means to be a stack in the following module.

module StackSpecification {

Most clients, including clients of implementations, get no details. This means that all they know about stacks is what the two lemmas describe.

    provides StackModel, PushModel, PopModel, EmptyModel, IsEmptyModel
    provides PushPopVal, PushPopStack

Implementation modules can access the definition of the model operations, to allow proofs of equivalence, by importing the Private export set.

  export Private
    reveals StackModel, PushModel, PopModel, EmptyModel, IsEmptyModel
    provides PushPopVal, PushPopStack

We provide a concrete type to model a stack for simplicity of proof, since Dafny knows how to prove things about sequences. Note, however, that most clients don’t get to see what this type is.

  type StackModel<T> = seq<T>

To check to see whether a stack is empty, check that the length of the model sequence is 0.

  ghost function IsEmptyModel<T>(stk: StackModel<T>) : bool
    |stk| == 0

To construct an empty stack, construct an empty sequence. This is always empty.

  ghost function EmptyModel<T>() : StackModel<T>

To push an item onto the stack, append it to the model sequence. It will always be non-empty as a result.

  ghost function PushModel<T>(stk: StackModel<T>, val : T) : StackModel<T>
    ensures !IsEmptyModel(PushModel(stk, val))
    [val] + stk

To pop an item from a non-empty stack, return both the first element of the sequence and the rest of the sequence.

  ghost function PopModel<T>(stk: StackModel<T>) : (T, StackModel<T>)
    requires !IsEmptyModel(stk)
    (stk[0], stk[1..])

The first core property of stacks is that pushing and then popping yields the pushed value.

  lemma PushPopVal<T>(stk: StackModel<T>, val : T)
    ensures PopModel(PushModel(stk, val)).0 == val {}

The second core property of stacks is that pushing and then popping yields the original stack.

  lemma PushPopStack<T>(stk: StackModel<T>, val : T)
    ensures PopModel(PushModel(stk, val)).1 == stk {}

Several things are important about this specification. First, it provides a number of functions with bodies that describe one way of constructing a stack out of built-in primitives. Second, it hides the bodies of those functions from most clients, except implementation modules that need to prove equivalence with them. And, third, it describes the relationship between those operations in a couple of lemmas.

One further note: you’ll see that some of the operations on a stack have pre- and post-conditions, specified on the functions themselves rather than in lemmas. These are exactly the properties required to ensure that each operation is well-defined without specifying anything else about behavior. Besides well-definedness, all functional properties are specified in lemmas. This is sometimes known as the “extrinsic” approach to specification, in contrast to the “intrinsic” approach of specifying all behavior in pre- and post-conditions.

Implementing an array-based stack

Now let’s look at how a common implementation of this data type might be structured. This approach uses a consecutive array to store elements, which we look at first because it’s somewhat simpler than the linked-list implementation we’ll consider next.

Before digging into the implementation, there’s one subtlety we need to discuss. The array-based approach sometimes requires allocating more space than is currently used, making it necessary to have a value available to fill unused entries. Many Dafny types have default values that can be used for this purpose, but not all types do. It is possible to constrain type parameters to those that do have default values by, for instance, using the declaration class Stack<T(0)>, to insist that T have type characteristic 0, the notation for having a default value.

However, doing this would make the array-based stack have different constraints on its type parameter than other stack implementations, which isn’t ideal. An alternative is to make use of the fact that Dafny can define datatypes with ghost alternatives, and that datatypes with only one non-ghost alternative with only one argument have no runtime overhead. Therefore, the array-based stack implementation uses an (internal) datatype called GhostOption that makes it possible for Stack to be parameterized by an arbitrary type because the GhostOption type always has a default value.

module ArrayStackImplementation {
  import opened StackSpecification`Private

  datatype GhostOption<T> = ghost None | Some(value: T)

  class Stack<T> {

The elements of the are stored in an array, using GhostOption to allow uninitialized values.

    var elts : array<GhostOption<T>>

We need a separate size tracker to know how much of the array is being used, because the size of elts itself will always be a power of two, and some entries will usually be unused.

    var size : nat

A ghost variable keeps track of the correspondence between the concrete storage in the array and the model used by the specification. This could also be used as a (slightly less efficient) implementation, as is done in a later example. As a ghost variable, it has no impact on performance.

    ghost var model : StackModel<T>

A stack agrees with its model if size matches the size of the model, the array has at least that much room, and all of the elements within the size of the model match the model. Note, however, that the model prepends to the beginning and the array adds at the end! Finally, the array always needs to have room for some elements, even if they’re all unused.

    ghost predicate ValidModel()
      reads this, elts
      && elts.Length > 0
      && elts.Length >= |model|
      && size == |model|
      && forall i :: 0 <= i < |model| ==>
           elts[i] == Some(model[size - (i + 1)])

An initial stack has room for a few elements (the exact number was chosen arbitrarily) but none of them are used. It is empty and valid.

    constructor InitStack()
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures IsEmpty()
      elts := new GhostOption<T>[4];
      size := 0;
      model := EmptyModel();

To push an element on the stack, write to the first unused element of the array and increment the size. If there’s not room, however, it’s necessary to allocate a new array and copy the old elements over. Like all operations except InitStack, it requires a valid model. Like all operations that modify the stack, it ensures a valid model.

    method Push(val : T)
      requires ValidModel()
      modifies this, elts
      ensures old(size) >= old(elts.Length) ==> fresh(elts)
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures !IsEmpty()
      ensures model == PushModel(old(model), val)
      if size >= elts.Length {
        var newElts : array<GhostOption<T>> := new [elts.Length * 2];
        for i := 0 to size
          modifies newElts
          invariant forall j :: 0 <= j < i ==>
            newElts[j] == Some(model[size - (j + 1)])
          newElts[i] := elts[i];
        elts := newElts;
      model := PushModel(model, val);
      elts[size] := Some(val);
      size := size + 1;

To pop an element, return the last used element of the array and decrement the size. Ensures that both the return value and the internal changes match the stack specification.

    method Pop() returns (result : T)
      requires ValidModel()
      requires !IsEmpty()
      modifies this
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures model == PopModel(old(model)).1
      ensures result == PopModel(old(model)).0
      model := PopModel(model).1;
      size := size - 1;
      result := elts[size].value;

The size variable alone is sufficient to tell us whether the stack is empty very efficiently.

    predicate IsEmpty()
      reads this, elts
      requires ValidModel()
      ensures IsEmpty() <==> IsEmptyModel(model)
      size == 0

Implementing a stack with a linked list

The previous implementation could allocate more space than necessary, about twice as much in the worst case, and may be hard to extend to support other operations. An alternative is to use a linked data structure to store the stack. This approach involves dramatically different implementation code, but we can guarantee that it satisfies exactly the same functional specification as the array-based code above.

module LinkedStackImplementation {
  import opened StackSpecification`Private

  class Stack<T> {

The actual content of the stack is stored in a linked sequence of Node objects, defined below.

    var top : Node?<T>

The model is exactly the same as for the array-based implementation.

    ghost var model : StackModel<T>

The footprint keeps track of all objects reachable from this object. This is used to prove termination.

    ghost var footprint : set<object>

Validity is a bit more complex, as it needs to recursively traverse the list and use the associated footprint to ensure termination.

    ghost predicate ValidModel()
      reads this, top, footprint
      this in footprint &&
      model == NodeModel(top) &&
      (top != null ==>
        top in footprint &&
        this !in top.footprint &&
        top.footprint <= footprint &&

As before, an initial stack is easy to construct and show to be empty and valid.

    constructor InitStack()
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures IsEmpty()
      top := null;
      model := EmptyModel();
      footprint := {this};

Pushing a value is simpler than in the array case, and satisfies the same equivalence with the specification.

    method Push(val : T)
      requires ValidModel()
      modifies this
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures !IsEmpty()
      ensures model == PushModel(old(model), val)
      top := new Node<T>.InitNode(val, top);
      footprint := footprint + top.footprint;
      model := PushModel(model, val);

Popping a value is very symmetrical with pushing.

    method Pop() returns (result : T)
      requires ValidModel()
      requires !IsEmpty()
      modifies this
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures model == PopModel(old(model)).1
      ensures result == PopModel(old(model)).0
      result := top.val;
      top :=;
      model := PopModel(model).1;

Checking emptiness is very simple, as in the array case.

    predicate IsEmpty()
      reads this, top, footprint
      requires ValidModel()
      ensures IsEmpty() <==> IsEmptyModel(model)
      top == null

The following class, that implements the actual linked data structure, is where the complexity lives. If you already had a linked list implementation, you could potentially use that, and share the burden of implementation and verification with any other uses of linked lists. Although it would require some cleverness to integrate the ghost model and node validity notions with a general-purpose list.

  class Node<T> {

Each node has a value of type T.

    var val : T

Each node points to the next node, which may be null if this is the last node (the bottom of the stack).

    var next : Node?<T>

The model is the same as in the array-based case.

    ghost var model : StackModel<T>

The footprint keeps track of all objects used in this node or any reachable from its next field. This is used to prove termination.

    ghost var footprint : set<object>

The validity of a node is complex, mostly to keep track of the footprint.

    ghost predicate ValidModel()
      reads this, footprint
      decreases footprint + {this}
      this in footprint &&
      (next == null ==> model == PushModel(EmptyModel(), val)) &&
      (next != null ==> (next in footprint &&
                         next.footprint <= footprint &&
                         this !in next.footprint &&
                         model == PushModel(next.model, val) &&

Creating a node requires keeping track of the footprint, as well.

    constructor InitNode(val: T, next: Node?<T>)
      requires next != null ==> next.ValidModel()
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures model == PushModel(if next == null
                                 then EmptyModel()
                                 else next.model, val)
      ensures next == null ==>
        footprint == {this}
      ensures next != null ==>
        footprint == {this} + next.footprint
      this.val := val; := next;
      this.model := PushModel(if next == null then EmptyModel() else next.model, val);
      this.footprint := if next == null then {this} else {this} + next.footprint;

The model corresponding to a node is computed by a non-member function, because it needs to handle the case where the node is null, corresponding to an empty model.

  ghost function NodeModel<T>(node: Node?<T>) : StackModel<T>
    reads node
    if node == null then EmptyModel() else node.model

Implementing a stack with sequences

Finally, given Dafny’s built-in types, it’s possible to create an imperative-looking interface to a stack building on the persistent seq type. This implementation is wrapped by a set of methods in a class but is essentially the same as the specification itself.

module SeqStackImplementation {
  import opened StackSpecification`Private

  class Stack<T> {

The elts field should be an identical copy of the model field.

    var elts : seq<T>
    ghost var model : StackModel<T>

The stack is valid when elts is, indeed, identical to model.

    ghost predicate ValidModel()
      reads this
      elts == model

Initialization is just like in the specification.

    constructor InitStack()
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures IsEmpty()
      elts := []; // Could be `EmptyModel()`, but we don't want to break
                  // that abstraction any more than necessary.
      model := EmptyModel();

Pushing is just like in the specification.

    method Push(val : T)
      requires ValidModel()
      modifies this
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures !IsEmpty()
      ensures model == PushModel(old(model), val)
      elts := [val] + elts; // Could be `PushModel(model, val)`, but we
                            // don't want to break that abstraction.
      model := PushModel(model, val);

Popping is just like in the specification.

    method Pop() returns (result : T)
      requires ValidModel()
      requires !IsEmpty()
      modifies this
      ensures ValidModel()
      ensures model == PopModel(old(model)).1
      ensures result == PopModel(old(model)).0
      model := PopModel(model).1;
      result := elts[0];
      elts := elts[1..];

Checking for emptiness is just like in the specification.

    predicate IsEmpty()
      reads this
      requires ValidModel()
      ensures IsEmpty() <==> IsEmptyModel(model)
      |elts| == 0

Proving things about stack clients

Given this variety of implementations, we can build clients that can conclude properties about the results of pushing and popping, relying only on the lemmas proved about the model used in the specification, without knowing what that model is. Note that the code in each method is identical, and is duplicated only because each method operates on a different type.

module StackClient {
  import opened StackSpecification
  import LS = LinkedStackImplementation
  import AS = ArrayStackImplementation
  import SS = SeqStackImplementation

  method PushPopLinked<T>(stk : LS.Stack<T>, val : T)
    requires stk.ValidModel()
    modifies stk
    var val2 := stk.Pop();
    assert val2 == val by {
        PushPopVal(old(stk.model), val);

  method PushPopArray<T>(stk : AS.Stack<T>, val : T)
    requires stk.ValidModel()
    modifies stk, stk.elts
    var val2 := stk.Pop();
    assert val2 == val by {
        PushPopVal(old(stk.model), val);

  method PushPopSeq<T>(stk : SS.Stack<T>, val : T)
    requires stk.ValidModel()
    modifies stk
    var val2 := stk.Pop();
    assert val2 == val by {
        PushPopVal(old(stk.model), val);


Through this series of examples, we’ve shown an approach that consists of proving equivalence between a single, concise functional specification and several imperative implementations of varying complexity. Doing this has a number of benefits:

  • It allows proving properties about the relationship between imperative methods, even though Dafny does not provide a mechanism to do that directly. Each of the Push methods performs an equivalent operation, for example.

  • It allows one implementation to be replaced by another without impacting client code, which is often not the case in verified programs. Similarly, modifications to the details of the implementation, without wholesale replacement, do not affect client code.

  • It encourages modularity and a clear separation of concerns.

  • It typically makes proofs of the behavioral properties of a system simpler, by separating proofs of precise correctness properties of a concise specification from proofs about the equivalence to an imperative implementation. Intertwining these two proofs, as you might otherwise need to do, can often make them more difficult.

  • It likely makes SMT solver performance more predictable by reducing the amount of information the solver needs to take into account.