Dependent Verification of Functional Programs

Jean-Baptiste Tristan & K. Rustan M. Leino

Functional code with pre/post conditions

  • So far, our code and proofs were largely independent from each other
  • On the one hand, we write our code
  • On the other hand, we prove properties by writing proof scripts in lemmas
  • It is possible to directly annotate a function with properties
  • Preconditions: properties we expect to hold when the function is called
  • Postconditions: properties we expect to hold when the function returns

Postconditions – 1

  • A postcondition is a property we expect the function to have

  • It is declared using the ensures keyword, as with lemmas

      function Append<T>(l1: List, l2: List): List
        ensures Length(Append(l1, l2)) == Length(l1) + Length(l2)
        match l1
        case Nil => l2
        case Cons(e, l) => Cons(e, Append(l, l2))
  • This defines the function and a postcondition

  • Of course, Dafny needs to prove the postcondition

  • When the function is called, the postcondition is implicitly added to Dafny's knowledge base (KB)

  • How should we understand the body? Is it code? Is it a proof?

Postconditions – 2

  • In a sense, it is both

  • To be more precise, it really is code, but the verifier knows how to turn code into proofs

  • You can also interpret it as such by ignoring the values

  • The recursive call to Append defines the function, but also serves as an induction hypothesis

      function Append<T>(l1: List, l2: List): List
        ensures Length(Append(l1, l2)) == Length(l1) + Length(l2)
        match l1
        case Nil => l2
        case Cons(e, l) => Cons(e, Append(l, l2))

Postconditions – 3

  • What if the code isn't a good enough proof?
  function Append<T>(l1: List, l2: List): List
    ensures Length(Append(l1, l2)) == Length(l1) + Length(l2)
    ensures forall n: nat :: n % 2 == 0 ==> exists m: nat :: n == 2 * m

Postconditions – 4

  • What if the code isn't a good enough proof?

  • Answer 1: make the postcondition a lemma

  • When the lemma is called, Dafny's KB is extended

      lemma SomeProperty()
        ensures forall n: nat :: n % 2 == 0 ==> exists m: nat :: n == 2 * m
      function Append<T>(l1: List, l2: List): List
        ensures Length(Append(l1, l2)) == Length(l1) + Length(l2)
        ensures forall n: nat :: n % 2 == 0 ==> exists m: nat :: n == 2 * m
        match l1
        case Nil => l2
        case Cons(e, l) => Cons(e, Append(l, l2))
  • So far, the body of function had to be an expression, but it turns out we are also allowed to call lemmas from the proof language

Postconditions – 5

  • What if the code isn't a good enough proof?

  • Answer 2: inline proof scripts in the code

  • Syntactically, proof script must precede value

      function Append<T>(l1: List, l2: List): List
        ensures Length(Append(l1, l2)) == Length(l1) + Length(l2)
        ensures forall n: nat :: n % 2 == 0 ==> exists m: nat :: n == 2 * m
        assert forall n: nat :: n % 2 == 0 ==> exists m: nat :: n == 2 * m by {
          forall n: nat
            ensures n % 2 == 0 ==> exists m: nat :: n == 2 * m
            if n % 2 == 0 {
              assert n == 2 * (n/2);
        match l1
        case Nil => l2
        case Cons(e, l) => Cons(e, Append(l, l2))

Another example – 6

  function LengthTr'<T>(l: List, acc: nat): nat
    ensures acc + Length(l) == LengthTr'(l, acc)
    match l
    case Nil => acc
    case Cons(_, tail) => LengthTr'(tail, 1 + acc)

  function LengthTr<T>(l: List): nat
    ensures Length(l) == LengthTr'(l, 0)
    LengthTr'(l, 0)

Lemmas vs postconditions – 7

  • Should a property be declared (“intrinsically”) as a postcondition or (“extrinsically”) a lemma?

  • The benefit of a postcondition is that it is automatically included in the KB: more automation

  • However, some properties are really extrinsic

    • Example: associativity
  • Quantification would have a high cost on verification

    • In general: having a quantified postcondition is likely to be a problem
  • But you can't even do it because of termination

      function Append<T(!new)>(l1: List, l2: List): List
        ensures Length(Append(l1, l2)) == Length(l1) + Length(l2)
        // ensures forall l3: List :: Append(Append(l1, l2), l3) == Append(l1, Append(l2, l3))

Preconditions – 8

  • A precondition is a property we require to be true when the function is called

  • It is declared using the requires keyword, as with lemmas

      function At<T>(l: List, index: nat): T
        requires index < Length(l)
        if index == 0 then l.head else At(l.tail, index - 1)
  • This defines the function and a precondition

  • To call the function, Dafny must prove precondition

  • The precondition is added to Dafny's KB within the function

Preconditions – 9

  • A function with a precondition is a partial function
  • In contrast, a function without precondition is total
  • Partial and Total functions do not have the same type
  • A total function from type A to B is of type A -> B
  • A partial function from type A to B is of type A --> B

Preconditions – 10

  • Preconditions can make your code simpler and faster

    • No need to waste time on testing for input values that you know cannot happen
      lemma AtProp<T(!new)>(l: List, idx: nat)
        requires idx < Length(l)
        ensures exists v: T :: At(l, idx) == v
  • But for every call, Dafny must prove the preconditions

  • If it cannot, you might need to add to the KB of the caller

Preconditions and higher-order functions

  • If a function argument is partial, you may need to use its requires clause

      function Hof<U, V>(f: U --> V, a: U): V
        requires f.requires(a)

Requires function

  • The .requires member is Boolean-valued total ghost function
  function Hof<U, V>(f: U --> V, a: U): V
    requires f.requires(a)

Should you mix code and proof? – 1

  • When should you use a precondition?
    • If you would have thrown an exception anyway
    • If it makes the code simpler, faster
  • When should you use a postcondition?
    • If essentially every caller will want it
    • If it represents an invariant
    • If it can be expressed without quantifiers
    • If it correspond to important preconditions
    • If postcondition verifies without proof

Should you mix code and proof? – 2

  • Pre/post conditions come at a cost
  • To call a function, you must establish preconditions
    • Might require some convincing
    • More facts in Dafny's knowledge base
  • A function call establishes postconditions
    • More facts in Dafny's knowledge base
  • Remember: it is paramount to keep KB under control

Should you mix code and proof? – 3

  • Don't be dogmatic
  • If you never use pre/post conditions
    • Your code might be slower than necessary
    • Your code might be more complicated that necessary
  • If you try to always use pre/post conditions
    • The verification might be less stable
    • The verification might get in the way of the code
  • Advice: only use pre/post conditions when there is a clear payoff
  • Dafny's strength is that it supports both well, so make the most of it!

Subset types – 1

  • You can attach a predicate to a value

  • Allows you not to constantly require and ensure basic properties

  • The predicate must be proved for any expression of that type

      type MyNat = n: int | 0 <= n
  • MyNat is called a subset type, because its values form of subset of its base type, int

Subset types – 2

  • Dafny provides a way to guarantee that a subset type is not empty

  • It is done using a witness clause

  • In the witness clause, you must provide an example of a value that satisfies the predicate

      type MyNat = n: int | 0 <= n witness 4

Subset types – tip

  • Always type variables whose values might contain a subset type

  • For example, if x and y are meant to be natural numbers

      method m(z: nat) {
        var x := z + 3; // No
        var y: nat := z + 3; // Yes
  • Not so important for nat, but is often a good idea for more complicated subset types

Subset types – example

  ghost predicate Associative<T(!new)>(BinOp: (T, T) -> T) {
    forall x: T, y: T, z: T :: BinOp(BinOp(x, y), z) == BinOp(x, BinOp(y, z))

  ghost predicate Identity<T(!new)>(BinOp: (T, T) -> T, elt: T) {
    forall x: T :: BinOp(x, elt) == x

  ghost predicate Inverse<T(!new)>(BinOp: (T, T) -> T, elt: T) {
    forall x: T :: exists y: T :: BinOp(x, y) == elt && BinOp(y, x) == elt 

  type Group<!T(!new)> = S: ((T, T) -> T, T) | 
      && Associative(S.0) 
      && Identity(S.0, S.1)  
      && Inverse(S.0, S.1)
      witness *
  • Ignore the ! and !new for now