Functional Programming

Jean-Baptiste Tristan & K. Rustan M. Leino


  • Dafny is a statically and strongly typed programming language
  • A functional program is essentially made of three kinds of definitions
    • Functions
    • Constants
    • Datatypes
    • Type synonyms

Function declaration

  • Here is an example function definition
  function FunctionName(x: X, y: Y): R {
  • Declared with the keyword function
  • Has a name: FunctionName
  • Has typed parameters: x and y, respectively of types X and Y
  • Has a return type: R
  • Has a body: expression

Function body

  • The body of a function is an expression
  • An expression has a type
  • An expression can be evaluated and produces a value of that type
  • Evaluating an expression has no side effect

Calling a function

  function F(n: int, m: int): int {
    n + m

  function G(n: int): int {
    F(n + n, n * n)
  • To call a function, the type of the arguments must match that of the parameters
  • Arguments are evaluated before the function is called
  • The arguments are then substituted in the body of the function
  • The type of the expression must match the return type


  • The arity of a function is the number of parameters
  • A constant is a function with arity 0, written without the parentheses
  • Declared with the keyword const
  const constantName: Type := expression


  • A function whose return type is bool is also called a predicate
  • Declared with keyword predicate
  • Return type is implicit
  predicate predicateName(x: X, y: Y) {


  • We will now introduce the language of expressions
  • We call this set of expressions “functional expressions”
    • There will be others
  • Dafny has 5 primitive scalar types:
    • Booleans (bool)
    • Integers (int)
    • Reals (real)
    • Characters (char)
    • Bit vectors (bv0, bv1, bv2, , bv32, )

Type test

  • Every expression has a type
  • There is an expression to test if an expression is of a certain type
  • It uses the keyword is
  • It evaluates to a Boolean value
  • We will use that expression and predicates to introduce the syntax and types of expressions in Dafny
  • That way, you learn Dafny by reading Dafny
  predicate IntPlus3IsInt(n: int) { (n + 3) is int }


  predicate False() { false is bool }

  predicate True() { true is bool }

  predicate Conjunction(a: bool, b: bool) { (a && b) is bool }

  predicate Disjunction(a: bool, b: bool) { (a || b) is bool }

  predicate Implication(a: bool, b: bool) { (a ==> b) is bool }

  predicate Explication(a: bool, b: bool) { (a <== b) is bool }

  predicate Equivalence(a: bool, b: bool) { (a <==> b) is bool }

  predicate Negation(a: bool) { !a is bool }


  predicate DecimalLiteral() { 38 is int }
  predicate HexadecimalLiteral() { 0xBadDecaf is int }
  predicate ReadableLiteral() { 4_345_765 is int }
  predicate Negation(n: int) { -n is int }
  predicate Addition(n: int, m: int) { (n + m) is int }
  predicate Substraction(n: int, m: int) { (n - m) is int }
  predicate Multiplication(n: int, m: int) { (n * m) is int }
  predicate Division(n: int, m: int) { (n / m) is int }
  predicate Modulus(n: int, m: int) { (n % m) is int }
  predicate Equality(n: int, m: int) { (n == m) is bool }
  predicate Disequality(n: int, m: int) { (n != m) is bool }
  predicate SmallerOrEqual(n: int, m: int) { (n <= m) is bool }
  predicate Smaller(n: int, m: int) { (n < m) is bool }
  predicate GreaterOrEqual(n: int, m: int) { (n >= m) is bool }
  predicate Greater(n: int, m: int) { (n > m) is bool }


  predicate DecimalLiteral() { 38.98 is real }
  predicate ReadableLiteral() { 4_345_765.999_987 is real }
  predicate Negation(n: real) { -n is real }
  predicate Addition(n: real, m: real) { (n + m) is real }
  predicate Substraction(n: real, m: real) { (n - m) is real }
  predicate Multiplication(n: real, m: real) { (n * m) is real }
  predicate Division(n: real, m: real) { (n / m) is real }
  predicate Equality(n: real, m: real) { (n == m) is bool }
  predicate Disequality(n: real, m: real) { (n != m) is bool }
  predicate SmallerOrEqual(n: real, m: real) { (n <= m) is bool }
  predicate Smaller(n: real, m: real) { (n < m) is bool }
  predicate GreaterOrEqual(n: real, m: real) { (n >= m) is bool }
  predicate Greater(n: real, m: real) { (n > m) is bool }
  predicate IntegerToReal(k: int) { (k as real) is real }
  predicate Floor(n: real) { (n.Floor) is int }


  • Characters are Unicode
  predicate ASCII() { 'a' is char }
  predicate SingleQuote() { '\'' is char }
  predicate DoubleQuote() { '\"' is char }
  predicate BackSlash() { '\\' is char }
  predicate NullCharacter() { '\0' is char }
  predicate LineFeed() { '\n' is char }
  predicate CarriageReturn() { '\r' is char }
  predicate Tab() { '\t' is char }
  predicate Unicode() { '\U{1F71D}' is char }
  predicate Addition(a: char, b: char) { (a + b) is char }
  predicate Substraction(a: char, b: char) { (a - b) is char }
  predicate Less(a: char, b: char) { (a < b) is bool }
  predicate LessEqual(a: char, b: char) { (a <= b) is bool }
  predicate Greater(a: char, b: char) { (a > b) is bool }
  predicate GreaterEqual(a: char, b: char) { (a >= b) is bool }

Other expressions

  predicate ConditionalExpression<T>(bexpr: bool, expr1: T, expr2: T)  { 
    (if bexpr then expr1 else expr2) is T

  predicate LetBinding<U, V>(expr1: U, expr2: V) { (var x := expr1; expr2) is V }

  predicate Tuple<T, U, V>(t: T, u: U, v: V) { (t, u, v) is (T, U, V) }

  predicate TupleAccess0<T, U, V>(tup: (T, U, V)) { tup.0 is T }

  predicate TupleAccess1<T, U, V>(tup: (T, U, V)) { tup.1 is U }

  predicate TupleAccess2<T, U, V>(tup: (T, U, V)) { tup.2 is V }
  • Despite what the name suggests, x is not a mutable variable
  • x cannot be updated, it is just a name for the value of expr1
  • You can replace x with expr1 in expr2 without changing the value of the expression

Functions are first-class citizens

  • A function can be passed as an argument to a function
  • Type of a function
    • If parameters have types X, Y, Z
    • If return type is U
    • The type of the function is (X, Y, Z) -> U

Functions as in-parameters

  function Apply(f: int -> int, n: int): int {

Functions as out-parameters

  function ApplyPartial(f: int -> int -> int, n: int): int -> int {

Recursive functions

  • A function definition can be recursive
  function Factorial(n: int): int {
    if n == 0 then 1 else n * Factorial(n - 1)

New expression: anonymous functions and application

  predicate LambdaAbstraction<U, V>(expr: V) { ((x: U) => expr) is U -> V }

  predicate Application<U, V>(fun: U -> V, arg: U) { fun(arg) is V }

Algebraic datatypes

  • Algebraic datatypes are a staple of functional programming
  • As a first approximation, they are like an enumeration of possible values
  • Here, the datatype defines two values, Small and Large
  datatype Size =
    | Small
    | Large

Type and constructors

  • A datatype definition defines multiple things
    • A type whose name is that of the datatype definition
    • The possible values
    • Constructors for such values (in this simple case, the constructor and the value cannot be distinguished)
  predicate Constructor() { Small is Size }


  • Simple datatypes support equality
  predicate Equality(a: Size, b: Size) { (a == b) is bool }

  predicate Disequality(a: Size, b: Size) { (a != b) is bool }

Pattern matching

  • Pattern matching allows you to consider the possible values of a datatype
  function SizeToOunces(s: Size): int {
    match s
    case Small => 4
    case Large => 8

New expression: pattern matching

  predicate MatchExpression(s: Size) {
    (match s case Small => 4 case Large => 8) is int

Parameterized constructors

  • Constructors can have parameters
  • Example
    • Coffee is a constructor: it takes a value of type Size and produces a value of type Drink
    • Coffee(Small) is a value
  datatype Drink =
    | Coffee(Size)
    | Tea(Size)
    | Water(Size)

Applying constructors

  predicate Constructor() { (Tea(Small)) is Drink }
  • Are constructors functions?
    • No
    • Coffee and Tea cannot be used without being fully applied

Matching constructors with parameters

  function GetCaffeine(d: Drink): int {
    match d
    case Coffee(s) => 5 * SizeToOunces(s)
    case Tea(s) => 7 * SizeToOunces(s)
    case Water(s) => 0

Wild identifiers on arguments

  • When you don't need to use a value and don't want to name it
  function GetCaffeine(d: Drink): int {
    match d
    case Coffee(s) => 5 * SizeToOunces(s)
    case Tea(s) => 7 * SizeToOunces(s)
    case Water(_) => 0

Wild identifiers on constructors

  function GetCaffeine(d: Drink): int {
    match d
    case Coffee(s) => 5 * SizeToOunces(s)
    case Tea(s) => 7 * SizeToOunces(s)
    case _ => 0

Named parameters

  • Constructor parameters can be named
  datatype Drink =
    | Coffee(sz: Size)
    | Tea(sz: Size)
    | Water(sz: Size)

Discriminators and destructors

  • Discriminator: test if a value correspond to a specific constructor
  • Destructor: extract value for some constructor
  predicate Discriminator(d: Drink) { d.Coffee? is bool }

  predicate Destructor(d: Drink) { is Size }

Example with discriminators and destructors

  function GetCaffeine(d: Drink): int {
    if d.Coffee? then
      5 * SizeToOunces(
    else if d.Tea? then
      7 * SizeToOunces(

Member declarations

  • Functions can be defined along with datatype
    • That is, including constants and predicates
  • In this context, the datatype value can be referred to as this
  datatype Size =
    | Small
    | Large

    predicate This() { this is Size }


Example with member function

  datatype Size =
    | Small
    | Large

    function ToOunces(): int {
      match this
      case Small => 4
      case Large => 8


Functional dot notation

  • You have functional programming with dot notation!
  • For OO experts: no late binding, no dynamic dispatch, it's just syntactic convenience
  predicate DotExpression(s: Size) { s.ToOunces is () -> int }


  • Algebraic datatypes with a single constructor are also called records
  • The single constructor usually has the same name as the datatype, but you can also choose a different name
  datatype Complex = Complex(r: real, i: real)

Type operators

  • Datatypes can be parameterized with a type
  • That way, you can define collections that are oblivious to what they contain
  • List is a type operator: it takes a type as an argument and creates a new type
  datatype List<T> =
    | Nil
    | Cons(head: T, tail: List)


  • Functions can also be parameterized
  • That way, you can not only define collections oblivious to what they contain
  • But also functions on them that are also oblivious
  • The parameters of a function can be typed with type parameters
  • Type parameters always appear before parameters (prenex polymorphism)
  • A parameterized type needs to be applied to a type argument
  function Len<T>(l: List<T>): nat {
    match l
    case Nil => 0
    case Cons(_, tail) => 1 + Len(tail)

Type parameter inference

  • In most cases, Dafny can infer that the type should be
  function Len<T>(l: List): nat {
    match l
    case Nil => 0
    case Cons(_, tail) => 1 + Len(tail)

Type characteristics

  • Sometimes, you want to constrain a type parameter
  • It is done with type characteristics (of which there are 4 in Dafny)
  • For example, you can demand that the type support equality
  function TestEquality<T(==)>(a: T, b: T): bool {
    a == b


  • Dafny has 4 built-in immutable collections for programming
    • Sequences (seq<T>)
    • Sets (set<T> and iset<T>)
    • Multisets (multiset<T>)
    • Maps (map<K, V> and imap<K, V>)
  • Sets and maps come in two flavors: finite and possibly infinite
  • Sequences and multisets are always finite
  • The built-in type string is a type synonym for seq<char>
  • The contents of these collections may be mutable, but the collections themselves are not


  predicate Empty<T>() { [] is seq<T> }
  predicate SequenceDisplay<T>(x: T, y: T, z: T) { [x, y, z] is seq<T> }
  predicate Equality<T(==)>(a: seq, b: seq) { (a == b) is bool }
  predicate Disequality<T(==)>(a: seq, b: seq) { (a != b) is bool }
  predicate ProperPrefix<T(==)>(a: seq, b: seq) { (a < b) is bool }
  predicate Prefix<T(==)>(a: seq, b: seq) { (a <= b) is bool }
  predicate Concatenation<T>(a: seq, b: seq) { (a + b) is seq<T> }
  predicate Membership<T(==)>(a: seq, e: T) { (e in a) is bool }
  predicate Absence<T(==)>(a: seq, e: T) { (e !in a) is bool }
  predicate Size<T>(a: seq) { |a| is int }
  predicate Indexing<T>(a: seq, k: int) { a[k] is T }
  predicate Update<T>(a: seq, k: int, e: T) { a[k := e] is seq<T> }
  predicate Slice<T>(a: seq, k: int, l: int) { a[k..l] is seq<T> }
  predicate Drop<T>(a: seq, k: int) { a[k..] is seq<T> }
  predicate Take<T>(a: seq, l: int) { a[..l] is seq<T> }


  • Strings are sequences of characters
  predicate Type(s: string) { s is seq<char> }

  predicate Display() { "Hello" is string }


  predicate EmptySet<T(==)>() { {} is set<T> }
  predicate SetDisplay<T(==)>(x: T, y: T, z: T) { {x, y, z} is set<T> }
  predicate Union<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A + B) is set<T> }
  predicate Intersection<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A * B) is set<T> }
  predicate AsymmetricDifference<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A - B) is set<T> }
  predicate Equality<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A == B) is bool }
  predicate Disequality<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A != B) is bool }
  predicate Subset<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A <= B) is bool }
  predicate StrictSubset<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A < B) is bool }
  predicate Superset<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A >= B) is bool }
  predicate StrictSuperset<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A > B) is bool }
  predicate Disjoint<T(==)>(A: set<T>, B: set<T>) { (A !! B) is bool }
  predicate Membership<T(==)>(e: T, A: set<T>) { (e in A) is bool }
  predicate Absence<T(==)>(e: T, A: set<T>) { (e !in A) is bool }
  predicate Cardinality<T(==)>(A: set<T>) { |A| is int }


  predicate EmptyMultiset<T(==)>() { multiset{} is multiset<T> }
  predicate MultisetDisplay<T(==)>(x: T, y: T, z: T) { multiset{x, y, z} is multiset<T> }
  predicate Union<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A + B) is multiset<T> }
  predicate Intersection<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A * B) is multiset<T> }
  predicate Difference<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A - B) is multiset<T> }
  predicate Equality<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A == B) is bool }
  predicate Disequality<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A != B) is bool }
  predicate Submultiset<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A <= B) is bool }
  predicate StrictSubmultiset<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A < B) is bool }
  predicate Supermultiset<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A >= B) is bool }
  predicate StrictSupermultiset<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A > B) is bool }
  predicate Disjoint<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>, B: multiset<T>) { (A !! B) is bool }
  predicate Membership<T(==)>(e: T, A: multiset<T>) { (e in A) is bool }
  predicate Absence<T(==)>(e: T, A: multiset<T>) { (e !in A) is bool }
  predicate Cardinality<T(==)>(A: multiset<T>) { |A| is int }
  predicate Multiplicity<T(==)>(e: T, A: multiset<T>) { A[e] is int }
  predicate MultiplicityUpdate<T(==)>(e: T, A: multiset<T>, k: int) { A[e := k] is multiset<T> }


  predicate Empty<U(==), V>() { map[] is map<U, V> }
  predicate Display() { map[20 := true, 3 := false, 20 := false] is map<int,bool>}
  predicate KeyMembership<U(==), V>(m: map, k: U) { (k in m) is bool }
  predicate KeyAbsence<U(==), V>(m: map, k: U) { (k !in m) is bool }
  predicate Cardinality<U(==), V>(m: map) { |m| is int }
  predicate Indexing<U(==), V>(m: map, k: U) { m[k] is V}
  predicate Update<U(==), V>(m: map, k: U, v: V) { m[k := v] is map}
  predicate Keys<U(==), V>(m: map) { m.Keys is set<U> }
  predicate Values<U(==), V(==)>(m: map) { m.Values is set<V> }
  predicate Items<U(==), V(==)>(m: map) { m.Items is set<(U, V)> }
  predicate Merge<U(==), V>(m1: map, m2: map) { (m1 + m2) is map }
  predicate MapDomainSubtraction<U(==), V>(m: map, s: set) { (m - s) is map }

Type synonyms

  type Complex = (real, real)