
I can’t prove the equivalence between the method part of a function by method and the function itself. It seems that my invariants can’t be maintained by the loop, and I don’t know how to prove them.


Consider the simple problem of computing the sum of a sequence of integers. You might be tempted to immediately write the following equivalence, with your best guess of an invariant and a hint at the end to help Dafny realize that the result is correct. However you cannot prove the invariant you just wrote.

function Sum(s: seq<int>): (result: int) {
  if |s| == 0 then
    s[0] + Sum(s[1..])
} by method {
  result := 0; 
  for i := 0 to |s|
    invariant result == Sum(s[0..i])
    //        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    //           Cannot be proved
    result := result + s[i];
  assert s[0..|s|] == s;

Let’s unroll the computation of the function on a sequence of 3 elements. The function will compute:

s[0] + (s[1] + (s[2] + 0))

But the loop will compute

((0 + s[0]) + s[1]) + s[2]

In the function, we add the first element (s[0]) to the result of computing the sum of the remaining elements (s[1] + (s[2] + 0))). In the by method, we add the last element (s[2]) to the accumulator, which contains the sum of the initial terms ((0 + s[0]) + s[1]). If it was not the case that the addition was associative and 0 was a neutral element, there would be no immediate way to prove that the two computations are equivalent.

There are essentially three solutions around that:

There are more intrusive solutions, such as making the function tail-recursive by changing the function’s signature to include an accumulator or a sequence of callbacks to perform a the end, but we will explore only the one that don’t change the signature of Sum().

Improved invariant

You can change the invariant to be invariant result + Sum(s[i..]) == Sum(s), as below:

function Sum(s: seq<int>): (result: int) {
  if |s| == 0 then
    s[0] + Sum(s[1..])
} by method {
  result := 0;
  for i := 0 to |s|
    invariant result + Sum(s[i..]) == Sum(s) // New invariant
    result := result + s[i];
} // No hint needed at the end

lemma IntermediateProperty(result: int, result': int, i: int, s: seq<int>)
  requires 0 <= i < |s|
  requires result' == result + s[i]
  requires result + Sum(s[i..]) == Sum(s)
  ensures result' + Sum(s[i+1..]) == Sum(s)
  calc {
  == result + Sum(s[i..]);             // Requires definition
  == result + (s[i]  + Sum(s[i+1..])); // Definition of Sum()
  ==(result +  s[i]) + Sum(s[i+1..]);  // Associativity
  == result'         + Sum(s[i+1..]);  // Definition of result'

This works because, with result' being the result at the end of the loop and + being associative, the lemma IntermediateProperty() shows the underlying reasoning that helps prove that the invariant is indeed invariant. Dafny can prove it automatically, so the lemma is not needed in the loop body. One nice thing is that we can get rid of the final hint.

What if you had an operation more complex that “+”, that is not associative? This is when you need to ensure the loop and the function are computing in the same order. Let’s explore how to do so by changing either the function, or the by-method body.

Make the function compute what the by-method does

The by-method loop’s first addition is 0 plus the first element (s[0]) of the sequence. For this to be the first addition performed by the function, it has to be at the bottommost level of the call. Indeed, each addition is performed after the recursive call finishes. This means that the function needs to sum the n-1 elements first and add the remaining last one.

Since it’s exactly what the method computes, it satisfies our initial invariant.

function Sum(s: seq<int>): (result: int) {
  if |s| == 0 then
    Sum(s[0..|s|-1]) + s[|s| - 1]
    // We add the last element to the sum of the first
} by method {
  result := 0;
  for i := 0 to |s|
    invariant result == Sum(s[0..i])
    assert s[0..i+1][0..i] == s[0..i];
     // Minimum hint needed for proof
    result := result + s[i];
  assert s[0..|s|] == s;
} // One last hint

Not only does this approach require more proof hints, but it might also break the proofs that dependend on the shape of the function, while all we wanted in the first place was to give a more efficient implementation to the function. Therefore, it’s reasonable to expect we will prefer to change the implementation of the by-method body to reflect the function, not the opposite, as follows:

Make the by-method body compute what the function computes

To compute iteratively what the function computes recursively, you have to find what is the first addition that will be computed by the method. As mentioned previously, the first addition is the one performed at the bottommost level of recursion: the first addition is s[|s|-1] + 0, so the loop has to actually be in reverse, like this:

function Sum(s: seq<int>): (result: int) {
  if |s| == 0 then 0 else s[0] + Sum(s[1..])
} by method {
  result := 0;
  for i := |s| downto 0              // Reverse. First i == |s| - 1
    invariant result == Sum(s[i..])  // The invariant looks like the function
    result := s[i] + result;         // Note how we sum in reverse as well.
} // No hint needed at the end

Note that this approach results in the smallest invariant that actually closely matches the function itself. Also, instead of adding to the right of result, adding to the left ensures the same order is kept, in case the operation was not commutative (so that it would work for sequence append operation).